Woke up in Tallinn being able to take this shot from our verandah.
Our P & O tail had pulled in right behind us.
Old Town Tallinn is kind of a fairy tale city.
But there is a modern side to the city.
This is the part of town everyone wants to see
So we started at the top of the hill.
RIght next to this church.
This is actually the seat of government (the Parliment Building) for all of Estonia.
Did a little panorama of our guide talking to our group.
The great seal of Estonia.
An interesting cross on top of the church.
And a nice mosaic.
Another one.
The tour begins. We hope our guide is a good one.
First stop, a dramatist's memorial.
Embassy row.
Trying to get a shot of the Canadian embassy on Canada Day. It's the red flag at the end of the street.
Love this kind of shot.
Churches and old buildings.
A nice gate.
A very small street.
Looking out at other side of the church. You can see Eclipse in the distance.
The whole story of Tallinn.
Now you can see Eclipse between the towers.
Looking toward the more industrial part of Tallinn
Back on the building tour.
Touring onward.
You basically walk down the hill from the top of town.
And see lots of stuff.
Inside the old castle walls.
Did you know that Estonia was the home of Shrek? Me neither.
Kathleen was so shocked that she saw Shrek she had to find a pole to lean on.
The other side of the castle wall.
Headed back down the hill again.
Another tiny window and tiny door.
No cars on this street.
Looking back up the street.
Another town, another church.
We stop to shoot pics of a well that helped spread bubonic plague.
Looking down to the main square.
Great Estonian food according to our guide.
And great beer here.
How about those gutter spouts.
See them way up there. I bet water just pours out of them.
They are on the front of the old castle in the square.
In the square.
Lots of great colors.
Here's some parents hanging their child.
So we hung Mike up.
The world's first pharmacy. (According to our guide).
The sign to the pharmacy.
Looking back at the square.
A craft shop we later went back to.
I love big clocks.
A guild hall.
In Egypt? No, but with Egyptian art.
Pretty cool building.
Great statues.
Our guide continues to bore most of the population of Tallinn.
A fork in the road.
Great weather vane.
In almost every city we were in, there was a Texas bar.
This was an old guild hall and now a theater office.
Folks up on the tallest church in town, the cathedral.
A little bit about the cathedral.
Inside the cathedral.
An open air clothing market.
A street of old-world craftsmen.
This page contains the best of the huge number of photos I took in Tallin, Estonia. You can download any of the digital originals in JPEG format by clicking here.