The Mates go to Hawaii
Sailing into Kona
I can see Target from here. And some swanky houses too.
We had to tender
But it was a beautiful day.
Time to tender
Drove to a beach. Bob likes beaches. He was driving.
Waves. They have lots of those in Hawaii.
And flowers. Lots of those too.
And long, roads with trees. They don't call it the "Big Island" for nothing.
Another beach. Told you Bob liked beaches.
More waves.
We got lava here. Not molten, thank goodness
Now that's what I like to see by my tidepools. A gorgeous woman.
More waves!
More lava.
More lava, more palm trees
More cute girls on lava.
Hilo Birds-1
Hilo Birds-2
One Hilo bird
Let's go see the City of Refuge
People in a boat. They got lots of those too.
And cute girls. City of Refuge has cute girls too.
This is City of Refuge (see my Islands page for an explanation).
A slightly better view
Up close and personal
Ancient Hawaiians
Or early ETs.
The Painted Church (inside pics follow). Only half of us got out of the car. It wasn't a beach.
The guy who painted the church...I think.
Finally back outside with Kathleen and Mike
And the breadfruit tree
Time for lunch! Everyone got out there.
Great signs
Not sure I want to eat here.
But I loved eating here.
So did everyone else
Best stop of the day. This guy could cook. When just outside of Kona, always eat at Big Jake's Island BBQ
Here's Jake's Big BBQ
And he had flowers.
High above Hilo we see a ship.
And again from ground level
A not so painted church in the city.
Farmer's Market in Hilo.
The Hilo Palace
Doesn't look that palatial to me.
Nice ship. Guess we should head back.
Waiting for the tender we see these kids swimming.
Walking back from the car rental place (worst of the bunch) I take a bunch of flower pics.
Last one. Off to Maui.