7 Photos a week for all 52 weeks of 2013
27 - 27
My favorite shots––week 1
My favorite shots––week 2
My favorite shots––week 3
My favorite shots––week 4
My favorite shots––week 5
My favorite shots––week 6
My favorite shots––week 7
My favorite shots––week 8
My favorite shots––week 9
My favorite shots––week 10
My favorite shots––week 11
My favorite shots––week 12
My favorite shots––week 13
My favorite shots––week 14
My favorite shots––week 15
My favorite shots––week 16
My favorite shots––week 17
My favorite shots––week 18
My favorite shots––week 19
My favorite shots––week 20
My favorite shots––week 21
My favorite shots––week 22
My favorite shots––week 23
My favorite shots––week 24
My favorite shots––week 25
My favorite shots––week 26
My favorite shots––week 27
Camera: Nikon D-5000
Lenses: Tamron 18-270 f/3.5-4.5 zoom,
Nikor 50mm f/1.4
Nikor 60mm f/2.8 macro
Flash: On camera (never used)
Nikon SB600
Lightsphere diffuser
Computer: 2013 MacBook Pro
16GB of RAM
768 internal SSD
Photo software: Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Bridge
What I like to shoot:
This one is easy. I like to shoot everything. My special favorites are my grandson (obviously), people when I travel, dogs (especially in action) and just about anything else I can think of. I love to try new things. I will read about a techniquie I can do with the camera or in Photoshop and I have to try it as soon as I can.
I shoot a Nikon D-5000. I have had it for about two years. I love the camera and it does what I want it to do. I need to know it better than I do though. When I went to Las Vegas this month I ended up spending the entire flight down reading the manual for the camera on my iPad. Learned a lot but need to do it again as the flight was followed by a very busy week which got me to forget about 90% of what I read.
Most of the time I shoot with same glass on the camera. (Using glass in that sentence sounds pretenious but I am leaving it.) My 90% lens is a Tamron 18-270 mm f3.5 I had to buy when I broke my Nikor 18-200 on the descent to landing of our flight to Aukland last year. It's a great lens and I love it. I also own a Nikor 50mm f/1.4 and a Nikon 60mm f/2.8 macro that Kathleen bought me for Christmas in 2008. From time to time I also use a Nikon strobe unit and a Lightsphere.
(Added later) I came back to this because I wanted to mention something that I have been noticing. It appears as though there are two types of shooters in our group. One (of which I am a member) shoot every day all week long. For instance, week 10 when I am writing this, I have shot photos on 5 of 7 days and will probably shoot some today as well. The other group seem to be one-day shooters. Whatever works for you is great but I want to really encourage you to try to carry your camera every where you go. I don't leave the house without it. Ever. Well, sometimes but hardly ever. It's in the backseat of my car when I am driving, in my trunk if I don't take it with me when I get out. I find myself constantly looking at everything around me for photos. It helps me a bunch and maybe it will help you as well.
When I walk out the door (or back in) my camera is almost always set on auto (NO FLASH). That's because I want to make sure that I get the first shot I want. The times I have forgotten to change the settings back to auto were the times I messed up entire shoots. Leaving everything on auto means that I will at least capture the things I am pointing at and if I don't get them exactly right, I can go back and fix them in the computer later.
When I am shooting for this project (or for fun) I will often shoot in other modes to accomplish a specific task. I will say that most of the time when I am not in auto I am in Shutter or Aperture priority. Those ususally suffice to get me what I am after. Lately I have been using shutter priority to make sure I can keep my ISO down. I have been shooting a lot at 200 and loving it.
Once I have shot whatever it is I am shooting it comes back into this computer. The one I am typing on right now--a MacBook Pro. That's my main machine for my photography. To get the photos into the MacBook Pro, I am very lucky as it has its own SD card slot. Once any card is inserted Adobe Bridge and its included downloader open asking me where I want to save them. For this project they go into my Pictures folder inside a weekly folder.
I then proceed to do what I like to call Photo Triage. By clicking the space bar on the first photo, each picture fills my screen as I press my right or left arrow. When I see a photo that is blurry, beyond fixing or just something I don't like, I hit the Delete key and it is gone to my Trash. When i see something that has potential to be in the final 7, I hit the 5 key which gives it a five star rating. I use the 4, 3, 2 and 1 keys to give it those star ratings for other purposes. For instance, any photo of my grandson that is not a 5, gets a 4 so I remember to keep it but don't look at while making my final selection.
Once I have narrowed it down a bit, I start opening the files. Since I shoot everything in Camera RAW I do most of my editing in the Camera Raw plug in which is built into both Bridge and Photoshop. When I click OPEN after working in Camera RAW, it opens the photo as a Photoshop Smart Object in Photoshop. There I can do other things to it such as black and white conversion, erase problems areas and more. Since it is a Smart Object, I can always double ciick it in the Layers panel to go back and reedit it in the Camera RAW plug in.
Once I have done all the editing I want, I save it (both as a PSD so I can come back to it and a JPEG for uploading) and upload it to 500PX.
That's my process...what's yours?
© Jim Bellomo 2013